Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dead Is Not the End of Life Story

Are smart people who believe, he is able to process the moment of his life, a moment for a long life. Life is not for life, but life for the All-Living. Life is not to die, but death was to live. We do not fear death, do not look dead, do not forget the dead, but longing to die.Because death is the door to meet with Allah SWT. Death is not the story in late life, but death is the beginning of the actual story, then welcome death with full devotion. Therefore, we always keep the Sunnah of the Prophet all the time .. Sunnah of the Prophet are:

First, pray tahajjud, because the glory of a believer lies in prayer tahajjud.Second, read the Quran before sunrise. It would be nice to see the world before the eye, the eye should read the Quran in advance with full understanding.Third, do not leave the mosque, especially at dawn. Before moving to wherever step forward foot to the mosque because the mosque is the center of blessing, not because of the muezzin's call but the call of God that believers seek God to prosper the mosque.Fourth, keep the Duha prayer, because the key lies in the sustenance Duha prayer.Fifth, keep the charity every day. Allah loves those who love to give, and the angels of God always pray to the man who gave every day.Sixth, keep wudu continuously, for God loves a servant of ablution. The word caliph Ali ibn Abu Talib, "People always ablution always felt he would always pray even though he was not praying, and guarded by angels with two prayers, forgive sins and loved him, O God".Seventh, the glory seek forgiveness at any time. With the problems that occur seek forgiveness for our sins will be kept by God.Dhikr is evidence of our gratitude to God. If we are not grateful, then we are less dhikr anyway, so each time there must always be appreciation in performing worship rituals and worship other Islamic teachings.

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